Bruce Lee Workout

Weight lifting was one of the key points of Bruce Lee’s workout methods. As is well known, Bruce had a very strong urge to be as physically fit as possible. He was always working out some body part or doing cardio work by running, skipping rope or riding an exercise...

The Tao of Jeet Kune Do

The idea for the “Tao of Jeet Kune Do” came about in 1970. Bruce Lee had injured his back and was instructed by doctors to refrain from any exercise and lay on his back for six months so he could recover. I could only imagine how Bruce must have hated this in light of...

Mental Discipline

We have all heard the adage “practice makes perfect.” This applies to mental skills training too. But the unique thing about training the mind is that, over a period of time the mind gets conditioned to think along particular lines, and mental preparation...